Otakon: Saturday

Oh what a day Saturday was!!  So many cos-plays to admire and not enough time for pictures.  Our Sandlay group was stopped for several pictures, but once again it was Tai who was the star of the convention.  Tom and I stood in line for quite some time, but it was well worth it to get pictures with Jason David Frank:  The Green Ranger from Power Rangers.  I think that made Tom’s weekend.  We did a photo shoot outside on one of the terrances which was gorgeous for pictures, as well as pictures of random people dancing with Tai our classy Storm Trooper.  We visited the dealer’s room again and watched Panty and Stocking dance along a pole.

I had the chance to talk to a lot of amazing people about their experience at Otakon and make some new friends.  One girl said it perfectly “You don’t want to come to Otakon, or any convention, alone.  It’s more fun with at least one friend with you.”  She hit the nail on the head.  Conventions are a lot more fun with someone else there with you.  Toni and I played floor is lava for a short bit.  After we screamed that the floor was indeed lava, we were given strange looks and no one got the idea of the game.  Or if they did, they didn’t want to play with us.  oh well, maybe at the next convention.
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When we went out for dinner, so many people outside of the convention wanted to take our pictures.  Especially the little girls who seen the girls and I as princesses.  It was a joy to hear all the little girls whisper “Look mommy, her dress is pretty.  Is she a princess?”  and then all the little boys who wanted a picture with the Storm Trooper, one even wanted to try and fight him.  Haha.  The expressions and reactions of the little kids when they see  us in costume is part of why we cos-play and enjoy it as much as we do.  Saturday was a day to enjoy ourselves and meet new people.  We planned on going to panels, but decided to do other things instead which made the convention even more fun.  As the girl said, a convention is more fun when  you go with someone else.

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